Monday 24 March 2014

Dkd Project 2: Kiosk Design


Assignment 3: 2014


You are to design a marketing/information kiosk to be used by one sales person. The kiosk will be used for a product of your choice. The idea is for your client to travel to the big or small centres and transport the kiosk on a trailer or any other suitable means.   The material of choice must be aluminium (we have an annually prize for the best project in aluminium).


Frame and cladding must be 80% aluminium.
Combination of materials and connections must receive special attention. 

The  Design

The kiosk will be used on university campuses all over the country. Your design must be striking and a bit over the top.
The kiosk will sell one brand only. Select your product of choice and use the kiosk to market the item.

Evaluation criteria

  • Originality of design
  • Use of materials
  • Presentation of work
  • Comprehensiveness
  • Scale
  • Logic and practicality behind the collapsible methods used.


Hand out: 18 March 2014
Final concept crit: 24 March 2014
Final detail crit: 31 March 2014
Final hand in: 08 March 2014.

All submissions must be done at the secretary’s office and you will be expected to sign the register.
Assignments must be in the box before 12h00 on the day of submission. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED (All late submissions will be placed in the bin)

Assignment Category

50% design
50% technical

Here are some jpegs of  my first concept model, I will post again with the feedback that receive and I will also update the model as I resolve the issues that are discussed in class

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